‘Lullaby Luna’

I have probably only created one other painting of our little Luna.

This one was a new challenge, to create a portrait that has enough depth yet is easily identifiable. Fur, in the style I like to work, isn’t the easiest to portray, you tend to lean on other aspects to make the painting work. Remember, there is nothing wrong with this, some artists are so far abstract you would just be able to make out what it is supposed to be - on the other hand you have artists that painstakingly create such real art, it looks like a photo!

Next was getting the correct hues and values I wanted, and I believe I near enough matched my vision. The dark’s are there, created with a variety of different paints to achieve a warm shadow, the lights, as much I wanted to use only black, again are created with a number of paints on my palette. It creates a sense of mood, serenity and calm - just what I need after a few painting sessions!


'Tranquil Perch'


'Lost in a Moment'